Fwd: Re: timeline for full archive freeze (Universe)
Scott Kitterman
ubuntu at kitterman.com
Sat Oct 13 19:38:46 BST 2007
FYI for those interested in last minute Universe uploads.
Scott K
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
On Friday 12 October 2007 15:50, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> On Friday 12 October 2007 15:34, Steve Langasek wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > This is a quick note to let everyone know the timeline for the gutsy
> > freeze. To ensure a successful build of all release images in time for
> > Thursday's scheduled release, the CD building process will begin on
> > Monday after 18:00 UTC. Since main must be frozen at that time, we will
> > be freezing universe as well so that the gutsy-updates queue can be set
> > up in parallel to the CD building.
> >
> > This means that any fixes that you are targetting for gutsy need to be
> > uploaded with enough lead time to be reviewed by the release team,
> > accepted, and built by the buildds prior to 18:00 UTC on Monday. As a
> > fuzzy deadline, I would suggest aiming to have packages uploaded to gutsy
> > by 10:00 UTC, and preferably well before that.
> Since Universe packages don't go on the CD, we can (for critical things)
> have a little more time. This may go into Wednesday, but don't count on
> it. Plan to have all your uploads done by the release manager's deadline
> above.
> For Universe/Multiverse uploads after the RM deadline, approval by motu-uvf
> is required (this is for all uploads during the hard freeze). If can find
> out who we are to hunt us down on IRC here:
> https://launchpad.net/~motu-uvf
> Subscribing bugs to motu-uvf is the preferred method of contact, but after
> the hard freeze, I'm good with whatever works.
> This was discussed on IRC among the available motu-uvf members, so is
> subject to change is those not present at the discussion object.
> Scott K
Plan B....
The RM Freeze is also the Universe freeze. Although Universe packages don't
go on the CD, they will also be setting up the gutsy-security and
gutsy-updates archives at the same time. Based on that clarification, Hobsee
and I (all of motu-uvf I could find) decided to modify the above plan as
Now: Please limit uploads to ones that fix very important bugs or ones with
very low regression risk. Up to each MOTU as long as there is no new
upstream version invovled.
Monday, Oct 14 0001 UTC - Universe Freeze - No uploads without ack from
Monday, Oct 14 1000 UTC - Archive Freeze - No uploads without RM approval
(figure that for Universe this means no uploads at all).
There's a little time to argue about this if needed, but unless someone has
serious objections, that's the plan.
There is a non-zero chance this could be extended, but don't count on it at
Scott K
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