Tor Packages

Aron Sisak aron at
Wed Oct 3 15:07:21 BST 2007

Based on the answer from Martin, I volunteer trying to keep Tor packages
up-to-date in the Gutsy release.  This also involves eventually putting
"critical" new versions into Hardy and making SRUs / backport candidates
to Gutsy, once we have released Gutsy / opened Hardy. Based on the fact
that the Debian developers seem to update them fairly soon after the
upstream release, this seems feasible.

I am using now Tor (from Debian unstable) on Gutsy that gets
hopefully synced soon as a first step.

On the other hand pushing SRUs back to Feisty and / or Dapper (and maybe
Edgy) is a harder issue, since I don't have computers that would run
these releases, and even if I have some virtual machines, I never used
tor on them, so it would be hard to provide "real-life" testing.

What do you think?


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