Demoting Xubuntu packages to universe

Mario Limonciello superm1 at
Fri Nov 30 10:27:07 GMT 2007

Hi everyone,

I briefly talked to Code Somerville (somerville32) and Colin Watson
(cjwatson) about the idea of demoting all of the xubuntu packages to
universe during the hardy cycle.

There are two driving reasons behind this:
Since the Feisty cycle, the ability to build disks that utilize universe
has been added to the cdimage build system.  This was used for building
Ubuntu Studio disks, and can now be used for any other distros
interested in doing similar tasks.

The site is growing very large.  Removing Xubuntu
ISOs would make mirror providers more apt to continue to mirror the site.

Technically, there shouldn't be any major changes necessary to implement
this.  It would actually make life a little easier on Xubuntu
development since core-dev sponsors wouldn't be needed for updating
packages.  It would also alleviate the current requirement for filing an
MIR every time there is a new feature or dependency added upstream.

The downside (or upside depending upon how you look at it) will be
Xubuntu's commercial support.  Traditionally, Canonical hasn't supported
anything inside Universe.  Support for these products was always left to
the community.  Clearly something would have to change here.

So what are people's thoughts and concerns about this?

Mario Limonciello
superm1 at

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