Using tags to describe distribution patches, call for comments

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Mon Nov 19 21:58:37 GMT 2007

On lun, 2007-11-19 at 09:33 -0800, Ted Gould wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-11-19 at 15:22 +0100, Sebastien Bacher wrote:
> > A first list of suggested tags to use:
> > 
> > * Ubuntu: launchpad_uri
> Perhaps we could use a shorthand here like "lp:1234" instead of the full
> Launchpad URI?

I think the URL is better since you can open the bugpage with one click
and copying the url from the webbrowser to the patch might be quicker
than having to select the number to copy it to the short syntax

> > The corresponding Ubuntu bug number
> > 
> > * Upstream: upstream_uri
> Does having this imply that it has been submitted upstream?  

Yes, one of the idea of tagging is to try to send all the changes which
are not distribution specific upstream and to have an easy way to list
those which are not sent yet

> Should we
> have a tag for that?  I was thinking that if we make it an explicit tag
> perhaps we could ask the launchpad guys to add a bug if a package has it
> set to false.  That way in the flurry of a release patches could be
> added, but they'd still be tracked.

No need of a new tag, a tag without Upstream tag which is not
UbuntuSpecific is a patch which should be sent upstream and which has
not been yet

Sebastien Bacher

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