Nvidia-glx upgrade will "break" sytems on feisty upgrades

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at ubuntu.com
Tue Mar 27 16:51:39 BST 2007


Sarah Hobbs [2007-03-28  0:33 +1000]:
> > Not only will this mean many users are forced to install 9631 from 3rd
> > party repositories or nvidia.com to use the new desktop-effects, but
> > it is, and will continue to break distribution upgrades. Anyone with a
> > "new-legacy" card on Edgy using the nvidia-glx package who upgrades to
> > Fiesty will be presented with a non-functioning X server upon login
> > due to the nvidia driver not loading for their card.

I just talked about this with Michael Vogt. I think with a combined
effort of update-manager and restricted-manager it should not actually
be too hard to get this right on upgrades.


Martin Pitt        http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer   http://www.ubuntu.com
Debian Developer   http://www.debian.org

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