ubuntu-devel and ubuntu-devel-discuss
Jan Claeys
lists at janc.be
Thu Mar 8 18:32:32 GMT 2007
On wo, 2007-03-07 at 11:11 -0800, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 07, 2007 at 12:25:18AM +0100, Jan Claeys wrote:
> > On di, 2007-03-06 at 08:25 -0800, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> > > This principle conflicts with my earlier position that developers should be
> > > able to follow only -devel, and not -devel-discuss. Therefore, to post
> > > something to -devel which is only intended to be followed on -discuss is
> > > problematic.
> >
> > I hope the Ubuntu developers know how to filter mail and only read those
> > threads they are interested in? ;-)
> This is no joke; an excess of traffic means that important development
> work is overlooked by developers who don't have time to follow
> high-traffic mailing lists. debian-devel is a prime example of how
> bad this can get.
I understand that; I sometimes receive > 1000 mails a day, and it's not
like I read all of them. That's why I suggest _filtering_...
> The -devel/-devel-discuss split was already implemented to help avoid
> this problem. It has helped, and I'm looking for ways to make it work
> even better.
What I suggest is that developers who are interested in a particular
discussion might want to go have a look in the mail folder that they
usually just "mark-all-read".
Of course, this might not work with some people's setup or workflow or
whatever, but that's how I (try to) solve the mail flood... :)
Jan Claeys
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