Using xdg-user-dirs for the gutsy desktop

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Mon Jun 25 13:07:02 BST 2007

Le lundi 25 juin 2007 à 13:31 +0200, Tollef Fog Heen a écrit :

> I'd rather have it not provide the directories unless they are
> actually in use.  Templates for instance is something I haven't used
> for many, many years.

How do you determine if they are in use on a new installation? 

> It also assumes that you have all your bits in one place, which could
> quite possibly be completely wrong; my pictures are in different
> locations depending on their context.  Similarly for Documents, I keep
> them organised per topic, not all docs under one directory.

Any suggestion on what to change and how then? When you open a
fileselector it has to use a directory anyway


Sebastien Bacher

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