Idea: using BTS usertags for bugs submitted to Debian by Ubuntu developers

Lucas Nussbaum lucas at
Wed Jul 11 13:46:59 BST 2007


Being both an Ubuntu MOTU and a DD, I'm always a bit disturbed by
discussions about patches being sent from Ubuntu to Debian, because it's
very difficult to know where the truth is, between "all my patches get
ignored" and "Ubuntu never sends patches".

My idea is that all Ubuntu developers could use a specific BTS usertag
to mark all bugs they are submitting to the Debian Bug Tracking System.

On the Debian side, this would allow to see if Ubuntu really contributes
(and if it's the case, convince developers that they have just been
unlucky if they haven't received patches already).

On the Ubuntu side, it would act as a soft incentive for developers to
contribute back to Debian. And it would allow help to track the status
of those bugs (e.g when trying to make the point that some patches get
ignored). The fact that bugs are visibly tracked could also make Debian
developers integrate patches faster.

I described the technical details on

Here is an example report from the BTS for a recent QA effort that used
usertags to track bugs:;

What do you think?

Could we make this a recommended practice?
| Lucas Nussbaum
| lucas at |
| jabber: lucas at             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |
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