Linux Desktop Testing Project

Sivan Greenberg sivan at
Sat Jul 7 11:39:30 BST 2007

Sivan Greenberg wrote:

> Will suggested that I started some discussion threads regarding this on 
> fedora-qa lists, but I wanted to hear opinions here before embarking on 
> it. It's worth mention that Will is interested to hear of our ideas, and 
> we've set to talk again soon.

Given there was no response over the last weeks, I had decided in the
meanwhile to start collaborating with Will on the dogtail style tests,
as they are easiest to share and integrate for any GNOME based
distribution. I reckon we can defer the collaboration and integration of
the other testing frameworks when we have enough desktop tests to share.

Ian - I'm interested to discuss how you are planning to integrate
desktop testing into your already existing autopkgtest framework.


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