Bug workflow - a wider view

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at kitterman.com
Fri Jul 6 13:29:18 BST 2007

On Friday 06 July 2007 05:41, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Christian Robottom Reis writes ("Re: Bug workflow - a wider view"):
> > Thanks for sharing your concerns. We'll be sure to be tactful when
> > actually implementing this; it's more likely that the first step will
> > just to make it easier for an end-user with credentials in the remote
> > bug tracker to file the bug [...]
> That is precisely the most sensitive thing to be doing.
> > In the case of Debian I guess this doesn't mean anything apart from
> > using the end-user's From: address in the email sent to file the bug,
> > but that's effectively what they use for credentials there AIUI.
> You seem to have completely missed my point.
> Debian are going to be _very upset_ if you arrange for Launchpad to
> send bug submission mails to the Debian BTS without getting a
> go-ahead from Debian.  The fact that you're doing it on behalf of some
> user and putting their name in the From: doesn't help address that.

Additionally, most bug reporters have very little idea how to determine if a 
bug should be reported to Debian or not.  So, even after you've navigated the 
dangers above (and I agree with Ian), this still makes it easier for Debian 
maintainers to get annoyed with us for getting bugs that can be very 
problematic for them to deal with.

Finally, e-mail anti-forgery technologies such as SPF (and DKIM once they get 
their policy component designed) need to be considered in the design of such 
a service.  If you don't you may end up undermining the credibility of LP as 
a source of bug reports because the credential (the e-mail address) gets used 
outside the scope of what the domain owner has authorized.

Scott K

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