ISO testing wiki pages

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at
Mon Jan 8 16:29:45 GMT 2007

For Herd 2 we will start an effort to expand the testing of ISO images 
by involving more contributors. We've set up a forum section to 
encourage participation from the wider community During the Herd 2 
release we will make a gradual start on the forum-based testing and see 
what we learn from that.

One problem is that the test page does not scale very well (this 
is already a problem). There has been talk of a more scalable web-based 
solution, but I'm not sure what the status of that is.

I'd like to at least chop the current page into smaller pieces so that 
there will be less blocking when trying to update it and less scrolling. 
The easiest would be to split out Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu on 
separate pages with one small summary page.

Any objections to this or alternative ideas?


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