PHP 4 will be removed from the archive shortly

Joel Bryan Juliano joelbryan.juliano at
Sun Feb 25 02:07:47 GMT 2007

On 2/22/07, Martin Pitt <martin.pitt at> wrote:
> Hello MOTUs,
> we have not supported PHP 4 for three releases now, and it's time to
> remove it from the archive to avoid shipping unsupported stuff with
> known security vulnerabilities. The world has mostly moved to PHP 5
> anyway.
> However, there are currently 13 packages that still depend on php4
> packages (like libapache2-mod-php4). If noone cares for them, they
> will be removed along with php4, but a few of them (like drupal) are
> actually interesting.
> In order to rescue them, they need to get alternative dependencies to
> libapache2-mod-php5, php5-cgi, etc. (look e. g. at mantis for an
> example). Those changes should be sent to Debian as well.
> Is anyone interested in this?
> Please CC me on replies, I'm not subscribed.
> Thank you!
> Martin
> List of reverse dependencies:
> bbclone
> drupal
> ewiki
> flatnuke
> gforge-web-apache
> ibwebadmin
> kolab-resource-handlers
> libphp-jpgraph
> libphp-phplayersmenu
> mydms
> myphpmoney
> opendb
> php4-apache2-mod-bt
> php4-clamavlib
> tutos2
> --
> Martin Pitt
> Ubuntu Developer
> Debian Developer
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Drupal 4.7.5 to Drupal 5.1 is compatible with PHP 5 which is available now.

I think Drupal 4.5 still doesn't include the shiny AJAX thingies.

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