PHP 4 will be removed from the archive shortly

Sameer Verma sverma at
Wed Feb 21 21:23:37 GMT 2007

Luke Yelavich wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 22, 2007 at 06:15:28AM EST, Martin Pitt wrote:
>> However, there are currently 13 packages that still depend on php4
>> packages (like libapache2-mod-php4). If noone cares for them, they
>> will be removed along with php4, but a few of them (like drupal) are
>> actually interesting.
> The thing with drupal is, whoever uses it usually grabs a fresh tarball 
> from the website anyway. Debian/Ubuntu have been at 4.5 for ages, and 
> drupal is orphaned.
> If people would like to see the latest drupal release, please let me 
> know, as I am happy to do it, being a drupal user myself.
I agree with this observation. The drupal version on Debian/Ubuntu is 
way too old to keep up with feature and design changes in Drupal 5. We 
run three sites on 4.7 ( ) and are looking to move up 
to 5 in a couple of weeks.

Updating to the latest stable release would be great and much 
appreciated. More importantly though, someone has to keep it synced up 
that way as new releases come up.


Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information Systems
San Francisco State University
San Francisco CA 94132 USA

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