PHP 4 will be removed from the archive shortly

Barry deFreese bddebian at
Fri Feb 23 05:23:34 GMT 2007

Martin Pitt wrote:
> Hello MOTUs,
> we have not supported PHP 4 for three releases now, and it's time to
> remove it from the archive to avoid shipping unsupported stuff with
> known security vulnerabilities. The world has mostly moved to PHP 5
> anyway.
> However, there are currently 13 packages that still depend on php4
> packages (like libapache2-mod-php4). If noone cares for them, they
> will be removed along with php4, but a few of them (like drupal) are
> actually interesting.
> In order to rescue them, they need to get alternative dependencies to
> libapache2-mod-php5, php5-cgi, etc. (look e. g. at mantis for an
> example). Those changes should be sent to Debian as well.
> Is anyone interested in this?
> Please CC me on replies, I'm not subscribed.
> Thank you!
> Martin
> List of reverse dependencies:
> bbclone
> drupal
> ewiki
> flatnuke
> gforge-web-apache
> ibwebadmin
> kolab-resource-handlers
> libphp-jpgraph
> libphp-phplayersmenu
> mydms
> myphpmoney
> opendb
> php4-apache2-mod-bt
> php4-clamavlib
> tutos2
Quick update.  tutos2 depends on libphp-jpgraph (1.x branch) which is 
currently PHP4 only.  According to their website, there is a 2.x branch 
for PHP5.  So my question would be, do we try to bring in the new branch 
or is it too late in the game for this type of stuff?


Barry deFreese (aka bddebian)

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