Communication channels

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Thu Feb 22 20:34:25 GMT 2007

As a result of a discussion during today's development meeting, I spent some
time reviewing our communication channels and how we use them.  I started
with development-related mailing lists, and the result is this:

I would appreciate comments and feedback, as well as corrections to the wiki
page and additions of missing information.  A few things which I noticed

- security-review sees very little traffic; would this be best merged into
  another list?

- laptop-devel at seems dead, and I see no reason for such
  discussion to be on a separate list anyway.  I suggest that it be removed.

- Where is the universe-bugs mailing list used?  Is it a bug contact in
  Launchpad somewhere?  A team?

- ubuntu-universe-sponsors has no description on; I think
  it's a mailing list corresponding to the team

 - mdz

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