packaging X11R7.2

Timo Aaltonen tjaalton at
Tue Feb 13 08:29:13 GMT 2007

On Mon, 12 Feb 2007, Colin Watson wrote:

> We can make a UVF exception for this under a few conditions (given its
> size and complexity):
>  * You need to be willing to commit to following this through so that
>    we don't get left in the lurch for Feisty. :-)

Yep, I hear you. Although I do expect others to assist, since at the 
moment I can't devote myself 24/7 to this :) Anyway, I won't be going 

>  * We need an estimate for approximately how long it should take to
>    complete the task of updating packages and taking account of any
>    major changes in maintainer scripts (e.g. xorg.conf generation
>    and/or migration if necessary).

The meta-packages have not had any love yet, and Debian doesn't yet have a 
version for 7.2. I don't see the need for major changes for feisty (not 
that there isn't anything wrong with the scripts :)

(Actually, xorg-server-1.2 works without xorg.conf.. it autoprobes the 
best values it can use. Worked for my radeon, although it used the 
maximum resolution for my CRT with 60Hz refresh rate)

>  * As much as possible should be syncs from Debian, to take advantage
>    of shared maintainership and make reviews easier; we should continue
>    monitoring for later syncs than our initial versions in case of
>    further bug fixes.

yes, I'm tracking experimental all the time. Yesterday xtrans got 
uploaded, so it's a start ;)

>  * The work should be done in incremental stages (e.g. prototypes,
>    libraries, server/drivers, client programs) each of which leaves the
>    system working, in order that if the work runs over schedule we can
>    stop without having to roll back all of X (noting in particular that
>    rolling back libraries that change shlibdeps is very difficult).

The stages (as I see it) are written on the bug-report:

Have to check the libs, only libx11 and libxi changed the minor-version 
(1.0.x->1.1.x), others had only patchlevel-version changes.

>  * If unexpected problems crop up, the release manager (Tollef Fog
>    Heen) needs to be informed as soon as possible, and should add
>    relevant milestones to bugs as necessary.

Yes, will do.


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