python modules in main

Matthias Klose doko at
Thu Feb 8 15:59:40 GMT 2007

The following is a list of python modules, which currently are
explicitely seeded for main (development seed), plus suggested demotions
and promotions to universe/main.

Comments, and additional suggestions for demotion/promotions are welcome.


Candidates for demotions:

- python-eunuchs (unmaintained)
- python-elementtree (part of python2.5)
- python-adns (unmaintained in debian, no reverse dependencies)
- python-dictclient (Python client library for DICT (RFC2229) protocol)
  no users (rdepends) seen.
- python-pqueue (unmaintained upstream, ???)
- python-sqlite (old module version)
- python-pysqlite2 (part of python2.5)

Candidates for promotions:

- python-numpy (1.0 release, will replace python-numeric and
  python-numarray in the long term)

- python-avahi (source already in main)
- python-beagle (source already in main)
- python-beautifulsoup, error-tolerant HTML parser for Python
- python-bluez (bindings for packages in main)
- python-bughelper (maybe should be promoted together with bughelper?)
- python-diacanvas2 (bindings for packages in main)
- python-enchant (bindings for packages in main)
- python-hid  (bindings for packages in main)
- python-magic  (bindings for packages in main, from the file source)

- python-imaging-doc-html, python-imaging-doc-pdf (doc for packages
  already in main).

- python-lxml (pythonic binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries)

- python-reportlab-accel (acceleration for python-reportlab, which
  already is in main).

- python-rrd  (bindings for packages in main, rrdtool)

- python-svn (alternative bindings for subversion)

Remove from seeds, referenced elsewhere:
- python-epydoc
- python-tz

- these are referenced from schooltool/schoolbell:
 * python-pullparser
 * python-mechanize
 * python-clientform

Don't touch:

 * python-apt               # MRS, we need to be able to interact with APT
 * python-cddb              # MRS, great for desktop users to be able to
manage CD's in Python
 * python-clientcookie      # MRS, unless a better cgi-style framework
is below
 * python-crypto            # MRS, very useful even though it's very
 * python-egenix-mxproxy    # MRS,
 * python-egenix-mxstack    # MRS,
 * python-egenix-mxtexttools # MRS,
 * python-egenix-mxtools    # MRS,
 * python-examples          # MRS,
 * python-genetic
 * python-geoip
 * python-glade2
 * python-gnome2            # SebastienBacher
 * python-gnupginterface
 * python-gst0.10
 * python-gtk2              # SebastienBacher
 * python-htmlgen
 * python-id3lib
 * python-imaging
 * python-imaging-sane
 * python-jabber
 * python-dbus
 * python-librdf
 * python-pycurl
 * python-ldap
 * python-mysqldb
 * python-newt
 * python-numeric
 * python-pam
 * python-pexpect
 * python-pisock
 * python-pyao
 * python-pylibacl
 * python-pyopenssl
 * python-pyvorbis
 * python-pyxattr
 * python-reportlab
 * python-simpletal
 * python-unit
 * python-xdg                   # SebastienBacher
 * python-xmpp
 * python-libxml2
 * python-libxslt1

Moved from supported:

 * python-pygresql         # JamesTroup, from hoglet
 * python-psycopg          # used in launchpad
 * python-nevow
 * python-uno
 * python-dbg
 * python-numarray
 * python-twisted
 * python-samba
 * idle             # Python IDE
 * python-gobject
 * python-gpod

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