FTBFS and piuparts failures lists for feisty

Matt Zimmerman mdz at ubuntu.com
Fri Feb 2 11:51:15 GMT 2007

Thanks very much for doing this!  Would it be possible to sort the results
by component, to separate main and universe?  That way, the core and MOTU
teams could have clear todo lists.

On Fri, Feb 02, 2007 at 09:34:50AM +0100, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> Hi,
> I rebuilt all source packages in feisty, and ran piuparts on all binary
> packages.
> The list of failures for both tests are available on
> http://people.debian.org/~lucas/logs/2007/02/01/
> (too bad there's no people.u.c for MOTUs...)
> Numbers:
> ========
> rebuilt 12201 packages, 664 failed to build
> tested 20464 using piuparts, 848 tests failed
> Various details:
> ================
> * all tests were done in i386 chroot on amd64 systems. This is known to
> cause problems with sablevm, so some build failures of java packages
> might be caused by that.
> * builds were run as root. This makes a few packages fail to build
> (aegis, subversion, ...)
> * internet was not accessible from the nodes. This makes a few packages
> fail to build, and makes a few more fail to install.
> * I rebuilt and tested using piuparts packages from main, restricted and
> universe.
> * Piuparts tests generate quite a lot of false positives. There's a list
> of known FP on [1], but the list was generated using debian etch, so
> packages not in etch won't be on that list. Common sources of FP are:
>   + the package need a configured DBMS (mysql, pgsql) to install
>   + the package reads info directly from stdin
> * piuparts can detect a lot of "minor" problems (like dangling symlinks
> after package removal). Here, "failed" means that the package failed to
> install.
> regexp-based indications of which kind of failure to expect (see
> parse-logs-* in [2] for details). The script is quite dump and might be
> wrong, of course.
> * Many of those bugs were fixed in Debian Etch, so that's probably the
> first place to look for a fix (29/10217 packages failed to build, and
> that's mostly false positives)
> * Don't hesitate to ping me if you cannot reproduce a specific failure.
> Also, ping me when you think I should run those tests again (I can run
> them overnight).
> [1] http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/collab-qa/debcluster/scripts/piuparts/piuparts.untestable?op=file&rev=0&sc=0
> [2] http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/collab-qa/log-analysis/?rev=0&sc=0
> Computing resources were provided by the Grid'5000 project. Grid'5000 is
> an highly reconfigurable experimental Grid platform gathering 9 sites
> and featuring a total of 5000 CPUs. It serves as a testbed for research
> in Grid Computing. See https://www.grid5000.fr/
> -- 
> | Lucas Nussbaum
> | lucas at lucas-nussbaum.net   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
> | jabber: lucas at nussbaum.fr             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |
> -- 
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 - mdz

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