Strawman: merge main and universe

Scott James Remnant scott at
Fri Dec 14 00:31:32 GMT 2007

On Thu, 2007-12-13 at 21:38 +0100, Reinhard Tartler wrote:

> Scott James Remnant <scott at> writes:
> > We move all packages from universe into main, and remove the universe
> > component.  Likewise packages from multiverse are moved into restricted,
> > and multiverse removed.
> >
> > Instead, we define who provides what kind of support through meta-data.
> >
> > We have generated lists of packages already, the seeds.  In fact, it's
> > these seeds that (by a manual process) result in packages being divided
> > between main and universe right now.
> At the moment, packages in main cannot (build-)depend on packages in
> universe. This is technically easy to implement with apt. What
> consequences would your proposal have with respect to this constraint?
Err, I'm not aware that APT is involved in the process.

In the current system, when a package is seeded, its dependencies and
build-dependencies are added to the resulting package list by germinate.

Anastacia informs the archive admins of mis-matches between the
germinate output and the archive state.

Adding a build-dependency on a package in universe inherently drags it
into main, subject to archive admin approval.  I imagine we'd just use
exactly the same system, except instead of moving packages around on the
FTP site, simply doing bzr commits on the seeds.

Scott James Remnant
scott at
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