End users nominating bugs for the next release?

Daniel Pittman daniel at rimspace.net
Thu Aug 30 06:18:53 BST 2007

Sarah Hobbs <hobbsee at kubuntu.org> writes:
> Scott James Remnant wrote:
>> It's only been a week since it was filed, which has had a (UK) public
>> holiday and a Milestone release in it -- so it's not unreasonable that
>> it has no reply yet.
> I don't think that's what he was referring to at all, I think you've
> misread this mail.  He's asking whether it's OK for him to use the
> nominate for release section, as the bug in question is for gutsy
> only, and needs to be fixed there, and whether that's the best
> procedure to follow.  He's not whining about it not having been fixed
> yet.

That was my intention.  I don't think I expressed myself very well, so I
can understand Scott's confusion.

> Daniel,
> You can also subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors, as it has a patch
> attached to it.  It will get allocated out, probably directly back to
> Scott.  You're welcome to use the nominate for release, and a member
> of ~ubuntu-dev will go through and approve or decline the nominations.

OK.  It looks like Scott has already taken care of this bug, but in
future I will keep that in mind.

> Currently, the more effective way is to use the sponsorship queue.  The
> universe version is documented at
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing and main works in a similar
> way.

Hrm.  Well, not documentation I would have found myself, but thanks.
That helps to know what I should be doing when I find or patch issues in

Daniel Pittman <daniel at cybersource.com.au>           Phone: 03 9621 2377
Level 4, 10 Queen St, Melbourne             Web: http://www.cyber.com.au
Cybersource: Australia's Leading Linux and Open Source Solutions Company

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