Call for Desktop Team contributors

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Wed Apr 25 23:58:49 BST 2007


The team has some rocking contributors already and the feisty desktop is
quite good, we are overworked for some time though and it's not easy to
keep up with the work to do. The working ambiance is usually quite nice,
so if you want to give it a try just join on IRC or the list ;) 

The things you can do there:

* help triaging bugs: apport bugs are really nice, they are sent
directly to launchpad though which highly increased the distribution
bugs workload. Upstream might be interested by the retracing which gives
automatic debug backtraces for  the crashes.
* give an hand to merges desktop packages with Debian. The list of
packages to look at is available on the wiki desktop TODO. Feel free to
claim one if you want to work on it. If you have any question or need a
sponsor to review and upload your work you can join #ubuntu-desktop on
the freenode IRC or the ubuntu-desktop list
* maintain a desktop package. There is quite some packages that could
use a dedicaced maintainer or team. The usual work is to merge changes
with Debian, send them patches they could be interested in, up to new
versions and look at bugs.
* work at packaging new cool things which are not available to Ubuntu
* create new teams to work on a group of packages. Daniel recently
announced a ubuntu-gnomemm team that some people have already joined,
applying that to other domain like the voip (ekiga) could be nice
* update the wiki to make it easier to contribute, list cool ideas we
can work on for gusty, etc

Sebastien Bacher

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