Network Manager as part of default install

Brian Murray brian at
Thu Apr 5 02:05:17 BST 2007

After the release of Feisty Fawn beta I have seen quite a few bug
reports from users who have upgraded from Edgy to Feisty and are having
difficulty with their network connections.  The most common scenario
involves a user who has manually configured their network connection in
their '/etc/network/interfaces' file and did not use network-manager in
Edgy.  They then upgrade to Feisty where network-manager is installed by
default and have difficulty accessing their network.  I try to have them
remove the configuration in '/etc/network/interfaces' and let
network-manager control the device.  However, some have been removing
network-manager all together.

I believe that this will generate enough bug reports or support tickets
that we should provide as much information about the changes when using 
network-manager.  I think mentioning it in the release notes and
update-manager (dist-upgrade part) would be worth while.  Are there any
other places that we could announce this change?

Bug reports showing this

Brian Murray                                       
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