How long will 64bit Ubuntu users have to wait?

Kilz _ kilzzz at
Fri Sep 29 22:09:31 BST 2006

>It does work, it just doesn't include support for other architectures.
>Do you consider the lack of a qemu-wrapped firefox for PowerPC a bug
>making the platform unusable?  If you need support for i386 binaries,
>run an i386 distribution.

The difference is if I take a 32bit binary firefox and place it in a 64bit 
Ubuntu . It works. This isnt adding new applications to make it run. Dont BS 
me. But getting Newbie users to do it is another story. Ubuntu is suposed to 
make it easy for new users switching over. Are you telling me its just to 
difficult to repackage it to make it work easier for newbies?

>We have a fully-working browser on amd64.  It works just fine for me and
>I use it for hours every day. was not available for
>amd64 until recently (or had very serious stability problems).  I was
>not happy about how we did the packaging -- it was a hack
>and I am happy that it is gone.  If you wish to help make 32 bit
>applications work on amd64, I suggest you read up on my multiarch papers
>   as well as the documents available from
> and implement the suggestions there.

There again we dont have to . It already dose.

>Get real.
>- tfheen

I am, but the more I read the more I see planned to take away what already 
works. Once 64bit OpenOffice is in ia32 packages go away. What happens to 
all the dapper users who are using it because they can force in 32bit apps?  
After that will users be even able to copy in a 32bit firefox?
You can say whatever you want, But I see less for 64bit in the future and 
more eye candy.

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