Compiz integration

John Stowers john.stowers.lists at
Thu Sep 14 13:07:53 BST 2006

Note that what follows is my personal opinion and is not meant as
harmful to Quinn, whom I respect greatly for making compiz accessible
to the masses...

> For Ubuntu, GConf support is important not just for consistency with
> GNOME, but for other reasons as well (system administrators would really
> appreciate it, for example). After reading Quinn's reply about the issue
> I don't think these things were taking into consideration.

I ran compiz-vanilla- (i.e. upstream, packaged by quin) on my laptop
for a long time with perfect stability, and easy configuration through
gconf, and the comiz-settings (i forget the name but it was the gconf
backed compiz configurator).

Then i decided to upgrade to compize (quins branch). Suddenly the
simple and easy to use configuration applet was replaced by the
atrocity that is CSM, which has more buttons and widgets than
Konqueror has settings (;-). In addition i have had at least 6 crashes
with quins version (even with most/all of the experimental plugins

So I traded a dependancy for GConf for a dependancy on CSM with a
noticeable decrease in stability, and usability (from a configuration
perspective). I do not belive dropping GConf support was worth this.

Furthurmore, aside from moving away from GConf being an effective fork
of Compiz it makes it hard to take innovations from upstream, SLED and
other distros who ship GConf when they also implement conpiz
configuration applets.

+1 For the ubuntu compiz package to be 100% upstream version

John Stowers

ps No offence to quinn for making the above possible

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