qt4 in ubuntu

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at kaarsemaker.net
Sun Sep 10 22:35:00 BST 2006

On zo, 2006-09-10 at 23:20 +0200, Egon Kocjan wrote:

> I am developing a qt4 application, 

This list is for development of Ubuntu, not for developing on Ubuntu.

> I have noticed, that dapper has qt 4.1.2. This presents a problem, since this 
> release contains at least one annoying bug*, which breaks my app.

So why don't you file a bug in launchpad and get it fixed?

> - What happens, if I am lucky and my package gets included in debian/ubuntu 
> and some future release of qt breaks my app again?

People will file bugs :)
Dennis K.

Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
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