32-bit Firefox (Re: How long will 64bit Ubuntu users have to wait?)

Kilz _ kilzzz at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 10 14:25:53 BST 2006

>From: Matt Zimmerman <mdz at ubuntu.com>
>To: ubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
>Subject: 32-bit Firefox (Re: How long will 64bit Ubuntu users have to 
>Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2006 19:56:10 -0700
>On Sat, Sep 09, 2006 at 09:38:08AM -0500, Kilz _ wrote:
> > Hi Developers
> > I love Ubuntu, I have it as my main desktop. I also use it as a server. 
>I am
> > also active on the forums helping 64bit users and beginners where I can. 
> > have written howto's on how to install 32bit firefox with plugins, and 
> > to 64bit.
> > I have asked this question a few times. Now I'm asking it here. How much
> > longer will 64bit systems users be second class citizens?
>The correct solution to this problem is 64-bit plugins, in which case we
>need to petition Adobe (almost every issue of this type seems to lead to 
>of their plugins).  More voices increase the likelihood of this happening.

Yes and that is something I have done. But waiting on Adobe to produce a 
64bit plugin or application may take some time. Why then are we hurting the 
64bit users when its possible to run the existing 32bit version of the most 
needed ones. There are few people switching from Windows that do not require 
flash, or some other plugin that will not run on the 64bit browser.

> > In Edgy's release announcement 64bit users were given a slim hope.
> > https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-April/000064.html
> > we were told of a first taste of multiarch.
> >
> > I cant seem to find that spec in Edgy, can someone point me to it with a
> > link? The more I read I find it may not be until Edgy +2 or +3 before we
> > see it. Is this true? With Intel and AMD both making 64bit chips now, 
> > how long do you think its going to take until the 64bit platform is a
> > majority?
>Multiarch was not on the Edgy roadmap, and there are currently no plans to
>implement it.

While I mentioned multiarch, I don't think any 64bit users expects full 
multiarch from Ubuntu at this time. Most if not all would be happy seeing 
some progress or a step towards it. Remember both Intel and AMD are now 
making 64bit chips, even the cheap ones are now 64 bit. Other source and rpm 
based distro's are mostly multiarch or working on it. The reason its 
important is because not every application is ready as 64bit. But if the 
applications that don't work for 64bit users were available as 32bit 
versions this is a form of multiarch, limited, but better than nothing. As 
it is we see eye candy being added while things don't work for us. 
Functionality over eye candy any day for me.

> > Next I would like to know why 64bit users cant have a distro that "just
> > works" while we are waiting. Why cant we have a 32bit Firefox and 
> > available? Why cant we have a 32bit Wine? Why cant we have a 32bit media
> > player available? They don't even need to be defaults. But why do 64bit
> > users have to follow howto's to install them? Don't tell me it cant be 
> > I wrote the howto's that install them. I created a 32bit Firefox .deb 
> > most 64bit users use. Don't think it isn't necessary. There are 24,317 
> > on my howto http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1174435 . Don't 
> > that there was no spec, someone else wrote one long ago.
> > https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/32bit-browser-on-amd64 .
>I would not object to having a 32-bit firefox build available.  That spec
>doesn't describe how to achieve the goal, but here are the basic elements
>required for a developer to get it done:
>- Add its build-dependencies to ia32-libs or similar
>- Duplicate the firefox source package
>- Keep it up to date and respond to bug reports
>  - mdz
>ubuntu-devel mailing list
>ubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com

Thank you for at least seeing that 32bit Firefox is needed. But there are 
really 3 things that are needed. Another one of them is Wine. Wine is open 
source. But its not in the repositories. Only a dummy package that wont 
install. It is almost impossible to compile a 64bit version. The 32bit 
version works when forced in to a 64bit system with only 1 extra library.
My wine howto has 16, 304 hits 
http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185557 . People coming over 
from Windows expect to at least see wine and at least try to get that one or 
two application they need it for running.
Next, one, just one 32bit media player, you can pick whatever one you want, 
but one is needed.
If these things were included the experience of people using the 64bit 
version would at least be more positive and we may see more people 
recommending it.
These three things are requested again and again. I'm shocked to see that no 
developer knows about them. But someone has told me developers do not visit 
the user forums. I have no idea how someone can develop something without 
feedback from the people that are using it.

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