Ubuntu Themes

Samuel Cormier-Iijima sciyoshi at gmail.com
Sat Sep 9 17:18:24 BST 2006

I'll have to side with Alex on this one. I think that by trying to
differentiate itself from other distros out there by going with brown
and orange Ubuntu has lost some of its "professionalism"... but
anyways, this thread is probably better in ubuntu-art.


On 9/9/06, Alex Jones <alex at weej.com> wrote:
> Hi
> On Fri, 2006-09-08 at 19:11 +0200, Frank Schoep wrote:
> > The artwork team has been working very hard for the past two months
> > to create the current uploaded design (thanks guys). We started out
> > by defining the artwork philosophy and narrowed down on directions
> I appreciate the efforts involved, I just think that this is exactly the
> core of the problem (if you can call it a problem) - the general
> direction involved. I feel that the term "ubuntu" is dictating far more
> than is necessary for this project to succeed.
> I'll be honest with you. I feel alienated by it all. Call it a weakness
> in character if you like but it's the truth. I love the concept of
> "ubuntu" as much as the next guy, but when my desktop OS turns into
> something that seems like I just brought it home from a safari holiday
> in Africa it starts to grate me.
> Of course, it's always a matter of taste and opinion, but for me SuSE
> and Redhat have always been far more welcoming appearance-wise.
> I can change my desktop and GDM theme, but it starts to get difficult
> when we talk about usplash, grub and GNOME splash. These last three
> components should be as neutral as it comes IMO, unless we can devise a
> way to properly and consistently theme everything in one go.
> --
> Alex Jones <alex at weej.com>
> --
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