Segmentaiton faults on a fresh Kubuntu 6.06-1 install

Jon Grant jg at
Mon Sep 4 11:15:45 BST 2006


If possible could all packages be shipped with debug symbols? -g, so we
can get good callstacks from crashes etc.

Also, could all packages have their md5sums included, so we can audit
binaries installed on systems by doing: debsums -s

The dd crash is fixed in the latest coreutils release:

Samba guys say the smbpasswd code has been changed and that bug likely

Re "HP 930C" it seems the solution is not to pick the "HP 930C" from the
KDE System Settings Add Printer dialog, and pick one of the others with
driver name after.

I'm going to unsubscribe now as I am going on holiday soon, so please
include my email address in any replies.

Kind regards

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