proposal: internet-cafe software

Ernst Persson ernstp at
Mon Oct 23 13:46:34 BST 2006

Why hasn't anyone mentioned Pessulus here?!


About pessulus
pessulus is a lockdown editor for GNOME, written in python.
pessulus enables administrators to set mandatory settings in GConf. The
users can not change these settings.
Use of pessulus can be useful on computers that are open to use by everyone,
e.g. in an internet cafe.
pessulus is included in the GNOME admin suite since GNOME 2.14.

/Ernst Persson

On 10/23/06, Alexandre Strube - UAB <surak at> wrote:
> El dom, 22-10-2006 a las 12:24 +0200, David Prieto escribió:
> > PS, another thing I was asked from cafe owners was a software that
> > would allow them to revert the computer to a previously saved state,
> > i.e. automatically delete all the shit that users download from the
> > web or get from their contacts. Is there such a tool in Ubuntu? I just
> > found Watchpost ( ) which seems to
> > monitor changes but lacks the deleting part at the moment.
> This subject of cybercafé is good enough to spawn a new version of
> Ubuntu - a cafébuntu, if you want :) which would work as a live cd or
> one that would install itself way quicker than the current one, without
> asking too much, and already prepared for the café environment, so no
> configuration on the "terminal" side is required.
> Just an idea.
> []s
> Alexandre Strube
> surak at
> --
> ubuntu-devel mailing list
> ubuntu-devel at
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