spec - uninterrupted-video-playback

Sivan Green sivan at ubuntu.com
Sun Oct 15 15:21:34 BST 2006

Hi All,

  Using my laptop as a mobile multimedia entertainment device, I 
couldn't not notice the annoyance of fighting with power management 
events, IM pop ups and other visually intrusive queues  while trying to 
watch a DVD or view some trip photos. So I've went away and registered a 
specification[1] regarding this issue as I think it can be solved 
relatively easily and unobtrusively.

  Please note that although the specification proposal doesn't talk 
about background events (like a possible cron updatedb fire up that 
could slow video performance on some machines) I do believe we should in 
a later version of this spec tackle. As those are most, albeit few are 
likely to spoil the user experience without him being able to track down 
the culprit and do something about it.

  I'd be happy if someone would be interested in taking care for it 
during UDS Mountain View so it'll result with a well defined, approved 
specification for edgy+1. Coming out of a personal itch, I'd be 
interested in implementing this once it's fully specified. (I've also 
included an implementation proposal but anyone interested is welcome to 
propose something better)

  Of course your feedback , thought and comments are important. They 
shall be more then welcome.



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