Network Manager and edgy

Scott Robinson scott_ubuntu at
Sat Oct 14 23:49:14 BST 2006

On Fri, Oct 13, 2006 at 03:14:37AM -0400, t u wrote:
> why not a uvf exception? it is important enough of a package. here's the
> process explanation:

Someone else would have to do that, like a MOTU or the upstream Debian
developer who posted before.

Basically, there are two proposals on the table from "the community":

  1. Accept the debdiff for 0.6.3-2ubuntu6, a < 10 line patch fixing one
     of the most reported bugs against the package.

  2. UVF in the new version, and drop the broken patches. This would
     solve even more bugs against the package.

Both have packages and patches that have been (mostly) ignored by Ubuntu
devs. I'm sick of this "process" and wasted effort, so I'm bowing out


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