Network Manager and edgy

Scott Robinson scott_ubuntu at
Tue Oct 10 02:26:00 BST 2006

On Mon, Oct 09, 2006 at 04:03:29PM +0200, giskard wrote:
> As you probably know (ATM) we will not ship the last Network Manager [1]
> release [2] in edgy.
> I'm writing this mail because i think we should have the latest NM in
> edgy.

Hello, I am a recent BugSquad member and have been triaging the
NetworkManager bugs on Launchpad. I would like to throw in my +1. 

There is a pending debdiff[1] I put in for sponsorship which fixes the
ndiswrapper driver issue. However, as giskard stated so clearly, the
newer version would be a nicer solution. It will fix several major
issues, and a slew of minor bugs in Launchpad.

However, Edgy is currently in UVF[2], making it difficult for this to

Perhaps an actual Ubuntu developer could respond to this issue? While
NetworkManager is not in main, it is still a fairly popular piece of



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