Non-free drivers (Re: Invitation to ubuntu developers)

Tim Schmidt timschmidt at
Thu Nov 30 20:11:28 GMT 2006

On 11/30/06, Matt Zimmerman <mdz at> wrote:
> As I've clarified many times in this thread already, Ubuntu has installed
> and used non-free software since its very inception.  We have always made a
> compromise for key driver support.
> Ubuntu strives to be a completely free system, but has never been pure in
> this respect.  We are committed to supporting free alternatives where they
> meet the needs of users, but fall back on other solutions where necessary.

We all (well, almost all) agree that that's a good policy.  The
difference of opinion is in what 'meets the needs of users'.

That concept in itself is fairly dynamic.  I'm of the opinion that so
long as Ubuntu can install itself and get to the net with Free
drivers, that should be enough to meet everyone's needs.  The
installation of non-free software can be performed at that point
(because...  you are installed, and have net access).

Other folks want everything out of the box - freedom be damned.

Other folks couldn't care less.

It's a big discussion we should be having...  (ok, so we already are).


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