Harddisk Encryption

Jeremy Schoenhaar jeremy at fam-schoenhaar.de
Wed Nov 29 20:01:55 GMT 2006

Am Dienstag, den 28.11.2006, 20:08 +0100 schrieb Jan Claeys:
> Op dinsdag 28-11-2006 om 19:17 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Jeremy
> Schoenhaar:
> > If I am not mistaken Ubuntu is targeted at the migrator from
> > windows and not at sysadmins/gurus. 
> *sigh*, not again!
> Ubuntu is targeted at _both_ those groups as well as at many other types
> of users.
> If it was only targeted at migrators from Windows, people would have to
> change to another distro after 1 or 2 years, so that would be a really
> stupid way to reach world domination IMHO...  ;-)
> -- 
> Jan Claeys
ok, Point well taken. I still however fail to see the wisdom in giving
an option to one group of users but not the other. As long as we don't
get into depth about what encryption is I don't see where that would
confuse the user. We also have a partitioning tool, and there are users
out there that don't understand partitions. So we are not going to say
"We are now going to scramble your harddrive and make it unreadable" the
same as we do not say " Now cutting your harddrive into virtual
pieces ..."

Jeremy Schoenhaar

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