please support

Ozgur Karatas okaratas at
Wed Nov 29 12:30:57 GMT 2006

i don't know why you are teasing. we do what we can. the problem is that
ubuntu is introduced as an os made by kurds. which, of course, is totaly
wrong. ubuntu is a linux distro developed with the support from all over
the world. that's why, i want to introduce ubuntu as it should be.

> I do not understand where is a problem : ubuntu is developed by any that
> wants to contribute.
> If there is no turkish translation avalable it is only because no
> turkish people do the job.
> If there are some idiots into this government, we have some too in
> France that voted the DAVDSI law.
> [joke] Perhaps they got few money from Redmond?

Ozgur Karatas
Ubuntu User -


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