please support

Alien Technology French at
Wed Nov 29 12:15:34 GMT 2006


I do not understand where is a problem : ubuntu is developed by any that 
wants to contribute.
If there is no turkish translation avalable it is only because no 
turkish people do the job.

If there are some idiots into this government, we have some too in 
France that voted the DAVDSI law.
[joke] Perhaps they got few money from Redmond?

Ozgur Karatas a écrit :
> dear friends and ubuntu developers,
> during the last week, there had been some problems about ubuntu in my
> country. some claim that ubuntu is developed by kurds. yet, turkish
> republic is against this issue. we, as a group of ubuntu volunteers,
> prepared a press decleration and a meeting. regarding this, i am asking
> from you valuable developers, a full authority and spokesman rights.
> otherwise, i will not be able to stand in front of the misinterpretations
> about ubuntu. please support and help me.
> despite there is only kurdish language support in ubuntu, they claim
> ubuntu is a kurdish linux and also assert that they developed it. this
> kind of attitude cause turk-kurd discrimination. to work on this subject
> voluntarilty, i am asking for authority spokesman rights, because, these
> events troubles me and other ubuntu volunteers in my country. below, i am
> sending newspaper and other press link on this issue:
> --
> Ozgur Karatas
> Ubuntu User -
> --
> .

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