Invitation to ubuntu developers

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Sun Nov 26 14:47:09 GMT 2006


Tim Schmidt [2006-11-25 23:52 -0500]:
> On 11/25/06, Chris Jones <cmsj at> wrote:
> > While basic 2d use is *just* about sufferable with the nv driver, for
> > almost all use cases it's totally inadequate (in the same way that the
> > open source wifi drivers for some cards simply don't work well enough,
> > so the binary ones have to be used).
> Ah.  Yeah.  Right.  'Doesn't work well enough' is more then enough
> justification.  I cede the point.

The sad, but true reality is just that the nv driver developemtn seems
totally dead and seems to regress further. While 2D worked perfectly
well in Warty, video playback got broken in Hoary, and in Dapper it
became totally unusable for me (perpetual screen flicker). The bug [1]
didn't get any reply unfortunately, I guess people just develop/use
the nvidia driver.

I don't care about 3D, but I'm just forced to use the nvidia driver
now to even be able to work with my computer at all. While I regret
this, using a non-free video driver is certainly better for me than
not using free software at all.

Just my 2c,



Martin Pitt
Ubuntu Developer
Debian Developer

In a world without walls and fences, who needs Windows and Gates?
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