Madwifi-ng tools missing

Soren Hansen sh at
Mon Nov 20 20:00:10 GMT 2006

On Mon, Nov 20, 2006 at 05:24:23PM -0200, Hervé Fache wrote:
> I think the correct path from here would be to ship a new kernel with
> the drivers we had in Dapper, that Just Worked. 

The drivers from Dapper did everything but Just Work. In fact, the only
bug marked as critical at the point of Dapper's release was againt that
particular driver. I happen to know and remember this since I reported
it. :-) That particular driver made my laptop lock hard a couple of
times a day. That hardly constitutes "just working".

> Failing that, it seems to me urgent to provide the Madwifi-ng tools.

Now *that* is true. IIRC, the source is already in the
linux-restricted-modules source package. It should "just" be a matter of
adding a build target to that.

| Soren Hansen    | Linux2Go                  | |
| Seniorkonsulent | Lindholmsvej 42, 2. TH    | +45 46 90 26 42     |
| sh at  | 9400 Norresundby, Denmark | GPG key: E8BDA4E3   |
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