Prototype for the time machine similar solution as you noted in h-u-b whiteboard.

Ulrik Mikaelsson ulrik.mikaelsson at
Wed Nov 15 21:27:56 GMT 2006

Well my only thought is a reference to the old way of engineering, to first
decide what you want, and then use the tools that best suits your needs to
achieve it.

Since I believe the "Time-Machine" use case to be one of the two reasons why
snapshotting in LVM were implemented, to me it seems like the best suited

"Do the right thing, and do the thing right." It seems to me like a
time-machine is the right thing to do, and LVM is the right way to achieve
it, but I could be wrong. :)

/ Ulrik

On 11/15/06, Sivan Greenberg <sivan at> wrote:
> Ulrik Mikaelsson wrote:
> > Don't know if I've totally missed something, but for local backups,
> > isn't it possible to use the snapshotting feature of LVM? Should be
> > quite fast, I think?
> I believe that the complexity of a back end essentially dictates how
> complex it's UI as a fron end, as we are aiming for something simple and
> usable by even newest people to Ubuntu. I can't see mandating LVM
> installation could align with that actually. However, if we had LVM by
> default like in recent fedora and red hat we could probably use this to
> achieve the "Time Machine" functionality by wrapping it up in a nice
> similar UI.
> More thoughts ?
> Sivan
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