UDF Filesystem as replacement to FAT*, ISO9660, and other Filesystems.

Joel Bryan Juliano joelbryan.juliano at gmail.com
Mon Nov 13 00:57:25 GMT 2006

On 11/13/06, Scott J. Henson <scotth at csee.wvu.edu> wrote:
> Toby Smithe wrote:
> > You need to:
> > a) Write a spec. It's pretty much too late for Feisty.
> It doesn't seem like it would take all that much work to do
> this.  Just figure out which tools are used by the user to
> create filesystems on external devices and make udf an option.
> > b) Here and in that spec, tell us the benefits udf has over, say, ext3.
> Native read/write support on all operating systems.  I don't
> think he is suggesting that udf replace ext3, he is saying
> udf should replace vfat.  Not sure what the benifits are of
> udf over vfat.

Supports large partition size with maximum of 2TB (512B block size), or 8TB
(2KB block size)
utf-8, 64-bit file size, extended attributes, sparse/hard links/symbolic
links, detect management on block devices among the few.

Total compatibility among all operating systems.

While Microsoft FAT isn't open, UDF is an open standard.

A Good UDF Introduction<http://homepage.mac.com/wenguangwang/myhome/udf.html#what-is-udf>
Limitations of FAT and
Wikipedia UDF page <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Disk_Format>


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