Texmaker in Main Please.

Joseph Smidt jsmidt at byu.edu
Fri Nov 3 20:13:29 GMT 2006

On 11/3/06, Constantine Evans <constantine at evanslabs.org> wrote:
> At least in my experience, every TeX/LaTeX user I have met has had a
> particular choice of text editor, be it vim, emacs, or cat - > file. Are
> there really many users who understand LaTeX and don't have a chosen
> text editor?

 I am a college student and personally know several people who are new to
both Linux and LaTeX and are required to learn both.  I really think it
would be easier for them to use Texmaker, since they don't know how to use
emacs or vim initially.  I just think it would be nice to have one
officially supported GUI LaTeX editor which can work for everyone, even
those new to Linux.

Secondly, you do support auctex.  I doubt an overwhelmingly high number of
Ubuntu users use auctex.  Why support a LaTeX editor which only appeals to
emacs users when you could support one that can work for everyone?

       Joseph Smidt
     jsmidt at byu.edu
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