EOL announcements

Jonathan Corbet corbet at lwn.net
Wed Nov 1 15:44:17 GMT 2006

[Retrying after actually joining the list...]

Corey Burger <corey.burger at gmail.com> wrote:

> Then I remembered that of all the news outlets I know, only LWN
> regularly carries EOL announcements. They have carried all the recent
> Fedora and our Warty one. However, after extensive search, I did not
> find an article about Hoary's EOL on LWN.


It's on last week's Distributions page.

That said, distributing this sort of announcement widely makes a lot of
sense.  They don't happen very often, so nobody should object to the
traffic on the -announce list...


Jonathan Corbet / LWN.net / corbet at lwn.net

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