Customized Ubuntu versions (long vehicle)

Daniel Koć kocio at
Mon May 29 22:15:20 BST 2006


I'd like to make slightly modified Ubuntu version(s) and so I would like 
to know what are the possible guidelines for creating one.

First, I'd like to make "official fully localized" polish version. This 
would be straight Ubuntu/Kubuntu/* CD, but with all packages and 
modifications needed for given language. That should be the best 
solution (IMHO), because I think people speaking a non-english languages 
don't like unnecessary choosing and downloading (hey, they can even have 
no network connection!). Another, less optimal option, would be creating 
few official "language pack" flavours, just like Mandrive One did (there 
are 4 flavours: Americas & Western Europe, Central Europe, Eastern 
Europe and AfricAsia). You still have to choose your language, but all 
the packages are already in place. Each set has only limited amount of 
languages included, so they fit on the single CD. I can imagine even 
second CD with localizations only: it'd be less convenient for end 
users, but more convenient for maintainers.

Now, the question is how much changes can one make to stay official, 
tried and true Ubuntu? I don't know what is the Ubuntu policy for 
handling localizations, but if there is something like that, I'd like to 
get to know it. But if there isn't, I think we should craft one. What 
about fully localized Ubuntu on CD with all the artwork and descriptions 
in native user language? I like Ubuntu  CD's, but why should the covers 
be printed only in english?

That's not the end. I also think about heavy modified version, with 
localization plus mc, EasyUbuntu and all the usable stuff which is not 
official/supported, but at least legal to distribute. The question I ask 
here is quite different: what should I do to not confuse people about 
support and to not do any harm to Ubuntu brand and to the firm behind 
it? Do I have to change the name? Remove some portions of the CD? 
Anything else?

Please, let me know if there are any materials on this subject, which 
could be helpful for me and other "customizers" around. More technical 
advices (such as on preseeding language in gfxboot, asked lately by 
Fabrizio Balliano, or on creating Ubuntu install/live ISO's, reminded by 
my language fellow, Krzysztof Lichota) are also very welcome.

I'm aware of two localized Ubuntu distributions on Launchpad: Tilix 
Linux (bulgarian) and Baltix GNU/Linux ("Supported languages are 
Lithuanian, Latvian, Estionian, Russian, English, Norwegian and other 
around Baltic region. Main language is Lithuanian"). I would be happy if 
we can share as much as possible and offer ready to use templates for 
others to come, to not waste their time and let them reinvent the wheel 
all over again. There are many dozens of languages, but the rules and 
the infrastructure should be one for all.

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