ubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 21, Issue 97

Ian Soutar soutar at uvic.ca
Mon May 29 21:09:31 BST 2006

Ubuntu Developers

I am using an Acer Aspire 5000 and a few friends are using the same 
one.    This laptop is one of the most popular models but it has 
difficulties with Kubuntu Dapper.   The problems are minor and  they 
affect several other friends with laptops.

1/ When putting the unit to sleep by closing the lid it does sleep.

2/  However when waking up it prefers to simply reboot.

3/  This family of laptops when running linux need to wake up from a 
sleep before the built in WIFI card from Broadcom will work.    So if it 
fails to wake up you also do not have the internet.
Hopefully before its official release this persistant problem is resolved.

A great improvement that Dapper has made is that works for this Acer 
family of laptops ... we now have working battery indicators.   All 
previous versions of Linux failed to do this correctly ... so far so 

Now if only it could wake up.  

Possible Cause
Actually it sometimes wakes up on rare occasions ... and when it does it 
faithfully wakes up every time until the next reboot.  So I suspect it 
is something simple like a state machine variable that is not set correctly.


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