Picasa for Linux

Marco Cabizza mc at newglobal.it
Mon May 29 16:49:07 BST 2006

[John, you forgot to CC: the list]

Il giorno lun, 29/05/2006 alle 23.38 +0800, John McCabe-Dansted ha
> On 5/29/06, Marco Cabizza <mc at newglobal.it> wrote:
> > Il giorno lun, 29/05/2006 alle 14.24 +0100, James Hall ha scritto:
> > > The average Joe doesn't care if it's using GTK, QT or Wine API's. Wine
> > > should be a first class citizen on Ubuntu.
> >
> > We're not talking about GTK or QT. We are talking about a total lack of
> > performance.
> Actually, Wine overall performs similarly to native windows
> performance, (actually runs faster than XP on a number of tests) see
> e.g. :
> http://wiki.winehq.org/BenchMark-0.9.5

Hope I don't represent the average user who's got problems *just
running* wine.

> Also, I hear that it is common to use wine but also link against GTK
> for relevant UI components so that you only have to port 1% of your
> software yet still integrate well into a GTK based desktop.

That would be good news, but I've never experienced of that happening,
my fault I don't use wine that often.

> Actually, I used to like running IE under wine just for the irony ;)

Which is slightly different from
b) Asking to get IE into multiverse

> Actually I am unlikely to use Picasa if only because it is not OSS.
> However, because Google chose to use wine which is under the LGPL,
> this means that they contributed patches to an OSS project... and just
> because I don't use Picasa doesn't mean that I won't find those fixes
> useful in running other software under wine. If Google had chosen not
> to use wine none of their work would have been open-sourced. So, IMHO
> "thanks, Google, for using and contributing to an open-source library"
> :)

As for me it would sound like "thanks, Google, but you can do better,
you surely know that you are _not_ the only corp. who decided to take a
glance of the OSS 'market', please, don't be mean."


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