Konqueror profiles removed, why this?

Krzysztof Lichota krzysiek at lichota.net
Mon May 22 08:22:30 BST 2006

email.listen at googlemail.com wrote:
> hi
> According to the changelog of kdebase (4:3.5.2-0ubuntu23) [1] Anthony 
> Mercatante <tonio at ubuntu.com>  removed Konquerors default profiles.
> Because of this Konqueror can't be started via the meu 'internet - konqueror' 
> anymore. The menu entry is 'kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing', so no 
> konqueror without the profile webbrowsing...
> There are bugreports (#45004 and #43949) but which seem not be assigned to 
> anybody.
> So if the profiles stay removed it might be a good idea to change the menu 
> entry for konqueror, isn't it?

Cannot reproduce it on my system (Kubuntu Dapper with yesterday's updates).
Both entry in menu and on Kicker work, although they contain 'kfmclient
openProfile webbrowsing'.


	Krzysztof Lichota

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