Updated "Minimalistic", patching usplash, sources

Michiel Sikma omega at avalanchestudios.net
Sun May 14 10:43:06 BST 2006

I find it great that you're working on something like this, too, but I 
still prefer the mockup that I have worked on and released on the Wiki a 
while back. Have you taken a look at it? I think that the one I made is 
nicely consistent with the human colors and default user interface skin.

You can see my proposal at the bottom of this page: 

I mainly think that it's important to stick to a black background in 
order to make a clear visual distinction between startup and the actual 
running system while retaining a good link with the human colors.

Maybe we should make a sort of wikipage in which we list some 
propositions for an improved usplash theme and then vote on which one we 
should work on for edgy. I feel that like this, we're just working 
beside each other and that's never a good thing.

PS: I just saw that bug you linked to that asks for the usplash logo to 
be reverted to the old one. I completely agree. Who made that ugly 
usplash 0.2 logo, anyway? Who authorized it? That was probably the worst 
design decision ever.

Regards, Michiel

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