Debian-Ubuntu weakness to filesystem corruption recovery

Stephan Hermann sh at
Fri May 12 21:48:07 BST 2006

good evening,

On Friday 12 May 2006 20:43, chantra wrote:
> Hi,
> I found something wrong with the way debian handled backups for
> directories like /var/lib/dpkg.
> /etc/cron.daily/standard use to save it to /var/backups
> but then *what happens when /var get corrupted* ?
> Do we have to lose variable datas and the whole system, or should we
> be able to keep the system and just deal with the /var bit?
> I made an article about this, you can find it on

I read your article, and as far as I can see there is just one mistake:

running a server in a production environment is forcing you to create 
external backups actually. /etc/ /var/<some very special directories>. 
You actually don't rely on backups made by the system iteself somewhere 
on the system. that's a nono :)

Oh and /tmp should be on it's on partition, to mount it with "noexec". 
many worms and backdoors in some wide spreaded web applications are 
using this, and somehow it's accessible if it's not mounted with the 
option "noexec"

for the laptop or desktop machine, the reinstallation is not a big deal, 
the big deal for laptop and desktop machines is more /home, where all 
the real data is sleeping.


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