GNOME Desktop, Settings and Metacity Optimization

Ivan Krstic krstic at
Thu May 11 12:20:50 BST 2006

Joel Bryan T. Juliano wrote:
> Significant effects will be visible in
> theme changer, that themes can be switched almost instantanously, icons
> will display more faster, and windows will render much faster.

To paraphrase Marv Solomon, your optimization e-mails are like Infiniti
commercials [0]. You're showing us lots of pretty pictures -- waves
splashing up on rocks, sunsets, sandy beaches, but we never see the car.

Can you please back up further messages of this kind with solid numbers
showing the exact effects of your optimizations? Doing so retroactively
for the messages you've already sent would be rather welcome; without
any numbers, it's hard to take the work seriously.

[0] Not to be confused with infinity commercials, which feature an
Australian guy who never sleeps.

Ivan Krstic <krstic at> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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