GNOME Optimization
Olivier Cortès
olive at
Thu May 11 08:34:27 BST 2006
Hash: SHA1
If memory serves me right, i can remember that in the earlier days of
Gconf, XML where all on one line, already "compressed", and many
sysadmins (which i were of) complained about readability problems of
this kind of files. We used to edit them in vim or such, and vim doesn't
seem to like a 1Mb one line file, moving in the file was totally
unresponsive (as it is still today).
So Gconf guyz worked to make %gconf.xml "pretty XML", and these problem
were solved.
Perhaps there is just a #if #else to decoment in gconf to get the
"compressed" behavior back ? It could save running the optimizer after
every gconf modifications and optimize the users files...
Just a though. Today i don't mind, i use gconf-editor+mlview+sabayon, so
it probably won't hurt optimizing.
Tony Lewis a écrit :
> Simon Law wrote:
>> Joel, you may want to generate a patch and provide comparison numbers
>> for performance increases. The decrease in legibility may be worth a
>> large jump in conffile parsing. But something small like 10% is
>> probably not a big deal.
> I get a reduction from 19MB to 17MB. (when testing by hand, cut and
> paste from Joel's script, and only to temp files, so no indication of
> whether this makes a performance difference or not).
> tony at argon:~$ cd /usr/share/gconf/schemas/
> tony at argon:/usr/share/gconf/schemas$ for f in *; do cat $f | sed -e '/^[
> \t]*$/d;s,^[ \t]*,,;s,>[ \t]*<,><,g;s,[ \t]*$,,' | tr '\012' ' ' >
> /tmp/schemas/$f; done
> tony at argon:/usr/share/gconf/schemas$ du -sh /usr/share/gconf/schemas
> /tmp/schemas
> 19M /usr/share/gconf/schemas
> 17M /tmp/schemas
> Tony
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